Friday, May 13, 2011

Vegan Disclaimer

I'll come right out and tell you that I am not a vegan. I am not, at this point, opposed to eating animal products, including dairy. I am just choosing to NOT eat any of it, along with oil, salt, and sugar. And it's all in the name of leading a healthy lifestyle, one which will help me to live vibrantly, energized, and just proud of what I am accomplishing.

But I must say that I am learning more and more about how consuming animal products is not only bad for our body but also bad for our environment. And bad for the animals who must suffer cruel treatment from birth to death. So maybe in the future I will say I am opposed to eating flesh and animal products. I am starting to think about it more and more.

That being said, I just had to give you this link from The Veganomoly and share some great answers to questions that are frequently asked of vegans.

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