Friday, May 27, 2011

Mint Chocolate Chip Kale Smoothie

I thought about not putting the word kale in the title but I think that's what attracts me to this smoothie. Oh. And I'm feeling like a stalker because this recipe, like the previous, comes from Chef AJ, but this time it comes from the website of her partner in HEALTH, Julieanna Hever, the plant-based dietician. They are incredible dynamic duo and I love watching their youtubes and visiting Julieanna's blog.

Click here to see Chef AJ and Julieanna make the smoothie and get the ingredients. I think it's my new favorite. The only difference is that I added a 1/2 tablespoon of unsweetened cacao powder. But the chocolate nibs made all the difference.
Dates, soy milk (Chef AJ did hers with pistachio milk but I had none), blender w/ kale & dates inside

I added the mint and there's my homemade vanilla extract on the right

Added some cacao powder at the end

Enough to feed three hungry monkeys and give someone else a taste of goodness

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