
Friday, January 20, 2012

A Typical Day

Newbies to the plant strong EAT TO LIVE lifestyle (not a diet!) wonder how they are going to survive. After a while you find out that it's not too difficult, really. At first it may be a struggle but after a while you get into a groove. You know the groove, right? You probably got into the groove of going to McDonalds or L&L. Or the groove of ice cream or some type of dessert after dinner. That's a groove of the fat variety. We are talking groove of the plant strong variety.

On a typical day this is how it goes:
1. Breakfast option 1  - It takes me 5 minutes to prep oatmeal either for the day OR the week. Make enough to last you a few days. It keeps quite well in the fridge. and heats up very well in the microwave. I can heat up a bowl of oats that I made earlier in the week, then stir in some soy milk to make it thinner and creamier and it's ready to go. I will put some banana slices on it, sometimes I'll top it with ground flax, chia seeds, an assortment of nuts, frozen blueberries, ANYTHING I WANT!
Coaches Oats with banana

2. Breakfast option 2 - a smoothie in the blender. I just add 1/3 green veggie (spinach, kale, whatevers), 1/3 frozen fruit, 1/3 ice/non dairy milk and maybe a couple dates.
A full to the brim green smoothie (makes 4)
Strictly fruit for dessert

3. Breakfast option 3 - on the weekend I might make whole grain pancakes or stir fry some veggies in a water bath (like chard or choy sum, onions, garlic, carrots, zucchini) and throw in an egg or two.

4. Lunch option 1 - a hugh jass salad. Basically that greens with a bunch of other veggies and beans and even fruits on it and topped with a great dressing.  The varieties are endless.
Hugh Jass Salad

4. Lunch option 2 - a veggie burger. Fast.
Love a good mushroom burger...too bad the bun isn't whole grain.

homemade with corn on the cob and sweet potato fries

5. Lunch option 3 - take out: Korean veggies are my fave. Thai food (papaya salad or summer rolls). Vegan burrito.
Boiling Korean soup in the hot pot

Veggie thai curry

A beautiful burrito

6. Lunch option 4 - some sort of soup (miso is great or I buy a case of the Amy's Lentil Soup from Costco).

7. Dinner - the simple dishes are: stir fries (with tofu or sukiyaki), no meat chilis, tortilla soup, more salad, bean soups, a variety of stews (curry, regular, indian, thai), lasagna, burritos, summer roll your owns, brown rice sushi make your owns.
Three bean Chili!

Enchilada w/ daiya cheese

Indian curry

Wrapping a burrito...where's the greens?

Snacks: raw nuts of any variety, cut veggies or whole grain crackers with a variety of dips (salsa, guacamole, bean, hummus, pesto), fruits, smoothies, banana and peanut butter, kale chips, sweet potatoes.
guacamole and whole grain crackers

pesto hummus and regular hummus

Desserts: cookie dough balls, banana "ice cream", bananas and any nut butter, fruits (fresh or frozen), carrot zucchini muffins, oat bars, and MORE!


  1. Mahalo for reading my mind. This is exactly what I needed to see (visual learner w/ADD tendencies..I need to know what's coming next!). I'm not worried about having enough to eat or the yumminess factor. But I am freaking out~ just a little~ that my stubborn moloa-ness will rebel on me. Learning a new way to food shop and cook?!? Ugh. I already tried to take on dinner. Lesson: KISS [Keep It Simple Stupid!].

    I am inspired anew...Here's to a successful Lifestyle change!

  2. Kahele I agree! I'm the same as you...LOVE you Acronym, that is going on my fridge to remember! I've done the challenge a couple times but never quite made it to the full 6 weeks. As I'm researching and reading I am learing how to do it and it has become a little easier....But yes, thank Kumu for taking the time to do this entry, makes my life a little easier!

  3. Simplicity is the name of the game for most of us! Survival is key! As you get more into it you can get a bit fancier but truth of the matter is, you will be surprised how you can be satisfied with just a simple dinner of a raw salad and some sort of cooked veggies. I never would have thought it possible. Ever. Happy with a veggie burger stacked high with lettuce and friends? Heck yeah!
    You all inspire me!
