
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Six Week Challenge Round 4

I AM ON A ROLL! Back in January 2011 I read the book Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman (I actually downloaded the audio version on iTunes). It changed my life. After what seems a lifetime of dieting I finally got it. It wasn't about eating to lose weight. It finally became about eating for my health. And then it became about eating for my family's health. It literally changed my life. The weight dropped off and I felt great. And I was amazed that my life no longer revolved around the next meal or snack. It revolved around feeding my body fuel. Delicious fuel at that.

The book has a 6 week challenge. Basically, in four words: Fruits, veggies, beans and nuts. That's what I told everyone who commented about the new (and improved) me. That's what I ate during the challenge. What did I NOT eat? Oil, meats (all), dairy, salt, sugar, refined carbohydrates. Basically. Of course everyone pretty much said the same thing..."Oh, I could never do that." Well, some of them have changed their minds, apparently.

In June I tried to convince my Facebook friends to try the challenge. One person took the bait. OMG! Her life is changed. The next challenge began July 1. The number grew to 10, including about 3 husband/wife teams. I have one more starting September 1. The count for that one is up to 20. My theme song is "I'm so excited, I just can't hide it, I'm about to lose control and I think I like it!"

My July 1 challengers are done (finished last week Thursday) and here is just a few of the results:

  • after 4 weeks, one challenger is no longer on high blood pressure medication
  • one challenger lost 20+ pounds (others lost almost as much)
  • one challenger who suffers from frequent and intense migraines has infrequent and milder migraines
  • one is no longer considered pre-diabetic by his physician
  • clothes fit better and is all of a sudden much cuter
Now if that isn't enough to convince you, heck, I don't know what would do it.

If you're interested in doing the six week challenge with a group OR on your own, read the book. Or listen to the audiobook. Or buy the "vook" (video book available on iTunes). Whatever floats your boat. Another similar book is The Engine 2 Diet by Rip Esselstyn. His challenge is a 28 day challenge. But we go for the gusto here. Same theory--a plant based diet that will improve your health, make you feel good and change your life.

Wanna join our challenge and have a fun loving support group? Let me know! Comment below and give me your email address. And be sure to join our Facebook page.

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